1910 John Maskevitch Census

1910 John Maskevitch Census

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Record Detail

TownshipTract ? (Part of)
Name of Incorporated PlacePittsburgh City (Part of)
Enumeration Date4/26/1910
StreetEighteen Street

House Number25      
Number of dwelling house125      
Number of Family213      
NameMaskevitch, John--- Teresa--- John--- Hardwic--- Casimir--- Stanislava--- Casimer
Color or RaceWWWWWWW
Age at last Birthday383010731 8/1231
Single, Married, Widowed or DivorcedMMSSSSS
Number of Years Married1515     
Mother of how many childred 6     
Number of Children Living 4     
Place of BirthRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaRuss. Polish
Place of Birth FatherRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. Polish
Place of Birth MotherRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. PolishRuss. Polish
Year of Immigration1901190119051905  1905
Naturalized or alienAl     Al
Able to speak EnglishPolishPolishEnglish    
Trade or ProfessionLaborernonenonenonenonenoneLaborer
General Nature of IndustryMill     Mill
Employee, Employer or working on own accountW     W
Out of work on April 15, 1910No     No
Number of weeks out of work during 190930     All Year
Able to readNoNoYes   Yes
Able to writeNoNoYes   Yes
Attended School  YesYes   
Own or Rent HomeR      
Owned Free of Mortgage       
Farm or HomeH      
Number of Farm Schedule15      
Survivor of Union or Confederate Army or NavyS      
Deaf and Dumb0     

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